New prime-guests from
Switzerland and Austria
Exclusive access to prime-customers from Switzerland and Austria:
Become a preferred partner from only EUR 119,--/one-time-fee
A partnership between the young austrian lifestyle magazine "Signature" und the swiss creditcardmembers magazine "Moments" of the swiss bank-card Cornèrcard with 1,2 million customers makes it possible for you to present yourself in an exclusive setting.
"Signature" is published quarterly in Austria at an edition of 130.000 copies. It is distributed to subscribers, customers of jewelers, telcom-suppliers, hotels/restaurants, golfclubs etc. It offers high quality journalism in stylish design and features stories from travel, fine dining and lifestyle. It is part of the partnership that also you receive copies for every room free of charge.
"" is the online-platform of the swiss bank Cornèrcard. 1,2 million creditcard-members have access and approximately 250.000 receive newsletters, also featuring offers of the preferred partners.
Present your hotel and a special offer as a preferred partner:
Bronze: basic entry, one-time-fee EUR 119,--
listing as preferred partner at Signature und Moments
listing with Link, pics and text at
listing with Link, pics and text at
Special offer (if wanted)
price: only EUR 119,-- (one-time-fee)
Silver: basic entry + 1/4 page "Signature"
edition: 130.000 copies, quarterly
1/4 page
listing with Link, pics and text at
listing with Link, pics and text at
advertorial in 1 edition of "Signature"
special offer (if wanted)
price: EUR 1.500,--
Gold: basic entry + 1/2 page "Signature"
edition: 130.000 copies, quarterly
1/2 page
advertorial in 1 edition of "Signature"
listing with Link, pics and text at
listing with Link, pics and text at
special offer (if wanted)
price: EUR 3.000,--
see how you could present your offer:
click the pics below