Top - barter cooperation:
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Very popular and a real opportunity to gain more guests from Germany:
advertise in South-Germany's No.1 media without spending money!
Profit from the daily travel auctions of "Sueddeutsche Zeitung" and get your advertisements by providing room-vacancies whenever they don't hurt you. We are happy to explain the details upon your request.
1. Freude pur: theme supplements
610.000 readers enjoy the frequent theme supplements because of excellent stories around the mottos of the supplements. You can advertise in the print edition or in the online-version appearing at the same time in SZ-online.
Find the rates for the print edition below:
Full page EUR 6.500,-- (262 x 365 mm)
half page EUR 3.500,-- (262 x 181 mm oder 132 x 365 mm)
You receive an advertorial on the pages of "Freude pur" in SZ-online:
EUR 2.990,-- for 100.000 Ad Impressions
EUR 4.990,-- for 200.000 Ad Impressions
EUR 6.990,-- for 300.000 Ad Impressions
See all dates for "Freude pur" 2025 here: (closing 6 wks prior to date)
2. Travel section: every saturday
The travel section is a part of the regular newspaper but its distribution is not only limited to the rest of the edition. This is why 1,24 mio. readers, mostly in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg can be reached with the travel section. Advertisements are limeted in order to keep the high standards of a quality newspaper.
You determine whenever you want to advertise. We still recommend to plan as early as possible to make sure that there is space available.
our preferred format: 371 x 80 mm.
price: EUR 4.400,-- (instead of EUR 8.192,--)
1/4 page 371 x 132 mm: EUR 6.900,-- (instead of EUR 21.150,--)
1/2 page 371 x 264 mm: EUR 9.900,-- (instead of EUR 36.200,--)
3. TV-supplement: the reasonable option
Every thursday the TV-supplement appears in the bavarian edition and it has 610.000 readers.
full page: EUR 4.900,-- (246 x 371 mm)
1/4 page: EUR 1.900,-- (246 x 90 mm)